Lantmännen är ett lantbrukskooperativ och norra Europas ledande aktör inom lantbruk, maskin, bioenergi och livsmedel.
328 träffar

Lantmännens Leverantörsportal
Viktig information för dig som är och vill fortsätta vara leverantör till något av Lantmännens dotterbolag och/eller divisioner.

Back in Stockholm at the HQ
Summer vacation just flew by and I’m already back at work, however not in Copenhagen anymore, this period I’m placed at the department for sustainable

Utbildning i Code of Conduct

Ansvar från jord till bord
Som en av Nordens största koncerner inom lantbruk, bioenergi och livsmedel har Lantmännen både ett ansvar och en möjlighet att påverka utvecklingen.

I love clever ideas!
Just as my fellow trainee-colleague at Doggy I didn’t know much about my assigned first placement at Gooh. Chilled ready to eat-meals that have a rath

Spending the last placement at Owner relations
Hi everybody! Now the fourth and final placement of the trainee program has started. I spend this last period being closest to what is most unique for

Taking the construction equipment industry into a digital era
Hi blog! This week it’s me, Hugo, who will tell you about my first time at Lantmännen and my position for the first rotation, which took me to Swecon.

The customer can have their machine painted in any color, as long as it is yellow.
Welcome to the land of agricultural machinery and Volvo construction equipment, all that is Lantmännen’s Machine Division. Here you find excavators, w

Belgian bread and the seven feed factories
Dear blog readers, This week it’s us, Linnea and Axel, who would like to introduce you to our new placements. For my third rotation, I (Linnea) had th

Moving up and down the grain value chain
It’s Friday and another stimulating working week has come to an end! Writing for the blog this time is me, Aron. I thought I’d quickly introduce mysel

A first glance at our first positions
From left: Aron, Pontus, Helena, Joel, Anna, Peter, Robert, Linnea and Axel The weekend is approaching and we are about to finish our second week at L

Trainee, then what?
It’s already half a year since the trainee program finished and we are settling into our new roles. New trainees are on the way in (we are all very ex

Head of Procurement and Supply Chain
Our mission is to become Nordic’s leading food company, and we want you to be a part of our journey! Are you an experienced leader with high professio...

Open Application - Student Thesis
We are excited to offer collaboration opportunities for Bachelor’s and Master’s students working on their thesis projects. If you're interested, we in...

Key Account Manager
Have an appetite for more? Join a leading global bakery group powered by ambitious people that are truly passionate about delivering the best in every...

Talent Acquisition & Communication Partner
Have an appetite for more? Join a leading global bakery group powered by ambitious people that are truly passionate about delivering the best in every...

A challenge in rhetorics
I am not a big fan of speaking in front of a crowd, in fact I have always found it quite nerve-racking. The rational side of me is well aware of the f

An electrified future
The end of one great journey is the beginning of another. We have a bit more than a month left of our period as trainees at Lantmännen before starting

Presentation of our strategic group assignments
Yesterday we had the presentation of our strategic group assignments (SGA), and it was sooo much fun! Both groups got loads of positive feedback, and

Lantmännen employees, the heart and soul of the company
We have now reached the end of period two, which means we are almost done with half of the trainee program. A strange, sad but exciting feeling. What