PRESS RELEASE 31 AUGUST 2010 New biopesticide for peas approved Lantmännen takes the next step towards effective and environmentally friendly methods for seed treatment. The new biopesticide BA2892 from Lantmännen BioAgri is a modern seed treatment product against seed borne disease in peas. Lantmännen BioAgri AB has developed BA2892, a successor to the biopesticides Cedomon and Cerall. The Swedish Chemicals Agency has now approved the new biopesticide which has been developed against seed-borne diseases in peas; especially leaf spot. Apart from being a biopesticide, BA2892 also increases the yield. The product is based on the active bacteria Pseudomonas chlororaphis, which is also found in the biopesticides Cedomon and Cerall. BA2892 has been developed together with the research program MASE and the industry partner Findus. The research program MASE is run by MASE Laboratorierna AB and financed by Mistra (the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research) and investments from industrial partners. This collaboration has been working together since 2004, focusing on the use of microorganisms to replace noxious chemicals and to solve cultivation problems.
"We work continually with product development and see the possibility of replacing and supplementing chemical pesticides in many different areas. The future looks promising," says Kenneth Alness, Managing Director of Lantmännen BioAgri AB. "We really appreciate the close collaboration we have had with the research group and the industrial partners. We are ready to start up the seed treatment for next years demand. The introduction of the product in Sweden is the start of a future international launch. We are also investigating the BA2892 effect on pea root rot, which is a very big problem both in Sweden and abroad." The new seed treatment plant in Eslöv will be used for treating the pea seeds. The Eslöv plant has been adapted to handle many different seeds and treatments. "This is a good example of how Lantmännen BioAgris innovation work is having positive effects throughout the chain from field to fork," concludes Kenneth Alness.
If you have any questions, please contact: Kenneth Alness, MD Lantmännen BioAgri Tel: 0705 – 14 47 14
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