I must say it was a bit sad to leave UK and all the wonderful people at the Bagshot office but at the same time I was excited about getting to work at the headquarters (HQ). Lucky me, I got a very interesting position working in the Strategy and Business Development Function.
You might think, like I did, that the Corporate Strategy Function is a large function (considering that Lantmännen has around 10,000 employees). However, that’s not the case. The strategic issues are driven by Patrik Myrelid, who is now my supervisor. That makes us two people.
My “primary project” this period is about identifying and analyzing prospective targets to acquire in the far future (think: year 2020). That gives me some insights into almost all business areas at Lantmännen.
Before I started my work at the HQ I had high expectations. The other trainees had told me about the good atmosphere and the nice people. Also, after being spoiled with various off-work activities at the Bagshot office, I wasn’t very easy to impress. Still, I must say I was pleasantly surprised of the friendly and open environment. One morning when I got to work really early (around 7 a.m.) I found my coworkers all absorbed in a game of golf. This activity takes place between 7-7.30 in the early hours of the morning, one day a week. Next game is tomorrow and even though I am not really a morning person I’m sure to be there.
Swing along!