Last time I wrote I told you that my project had taken a new turn. My task has been to understand how they work in the Lantmännen Maskin stores and why, and see if there are any special demands or support needed that must be forwarded to the office in Malmö.
To do this I’ve interviewed about one third of all the store managers. I’ve also extracted data from our data base that shows what the stores sold in 2014. From this I’ve created many, many diagrams and tables that give a better overview of the sales. This will indicate if there are any areas we could focus more on to increase the sales or if there is work to do with the suppliers.
On the road! Traveling to the stores to present my work.
At the moment I’m writing from a train to one of Lantmännen’s stores. I’ve summarized my work in a power point and during three weeks my mentor and I will travel around to present this. We are now on our second week. We wish to create discussions from what has been said in the interviews and what the database shows regarding the sales. So far we’ve had great discussions with the store managers and many ideas have been exchanged between them as well.
An example of a Lantmännen Maskin store.
While I’m doing all this traveling I also take the opportunity to visit other parts of Lantmännen while I’m in the vicinity. For example I visited Doggy in Vårgårda, that makes dog and cat food. I also visited Korvbrödsbagarn in Örebro, where insane amounts of hot dog and hamburger bread is produced every day.
It’s soon time for me to leave Malmö and continue with the next adventure! In two weeks we start our third assignment and I’m going to Belgium! I am very excited to live in this country that I know so little about. I’ve broadened my knowledge a bit with help from Google and I am looking forward to get to know the country even more when I get there. My assignment will be similar to what Fredrik did at Doggy. My project is called “Defining a new SKU rationalization process”.
Dankewel! (not sure of spelling and so far the only word I know in Dutch, which means “thanks”)