Moving from Group Controlling at Lantmännen HQ to something completely different, I am now working on a super exciting social media project at Lantmännen Unibake in Copenhagen.
As I am the first trainee from the current trainee program to have a placement at Unibake, I feel I should provide you with some info about the company. Unibake is Lantmännen’s most international subsidiary, a large bakery company with operations in 18 countries. Unibake produces around 400 000 tons of bakery products annually and runs 23 bakeries around the world. In Sweden, Unibake owns the well-known consumer brands Korvbrödsbagarn, Hatting and Schulstad. However, the largest part of the business internationally is business to business sales. Unibake for example delivers burger buns to Burger King, Max and Sibylla, and produces pastries and bread (bake-off) for cafés, restaurants, hotel chains and more.
The goal of my project is to develop a strategy for how Unibake should work with social media. This is a quite complex project as Unibake is present on several local markets and operates mainly business to business (B2B). Thus, the end consumer never sees Unibake’s brand logos on the products. Hence the social media communication should be directed at the customers, i.e. other businesses, rather than the end consumers.
As part of the project, I have been interviewing marketing managers within Unibake on all major local markets. I have also had the opportunity to meet with customers and sellers, which has given me great insight into Unibake’s operations. During the first weeks on the project, I got to visit a huge exhibition fair in Amsterdam for the food service industry. Unibake Benelux had built a fantastic exhibition stand with chefs making hamburgers for the visitors to showcase Unibake’s new gourmet burger buns.
Furthermore, I have consulted several social media experts and attended a conference on B2B Digital Marketing which was truly inspiring. Coming from a background of finance and accounting, I have not studied much marketing and definitely no social media. It is both challenging and thrilling to work in a field so far away from my study background.
I will end this blog post with some pictures of Unibake’s bagel production, taken on my visit to the production unit in Hatting, Denmark.
Until next time!