Blog-followers, Welcome back!
This week it is I Peter and Robert, who are giving you a status update what is going on in the trainee-factory.
As you are aware of, we have just started our third rotation, me (Peter) at Group functions in Stockholm together with Robert and Anna. Joel is going to US Florida to look into R&D, Linnéa is in Malmö looking into feed, Helena at Unibake following up on Pontus logistics assignment in Copenhagen, Pontus at Cerealia making our baking category even better, Aron also at Cerealia looking in to new export opportunities and Axel is in Brussels working with marketing.
My project is under the supply chain group where I will be focusing on investments below three millions within the agriculture division. The unit has a new way to work with investments, trying to collect all the investments within agriculture to find synergies between them. My task is to try out this new way of working and identify where the process works and where there is room for improvement.
On our other assignment, that runs parallel me, Rob and Linnéa are looking at our bran flows within the group. We had a big break through today when we received long awaited data so that we can map how the present bran flows are and see if there is room for improvement.
Anyways, there have been some hard working weeks and I think we all look forward to some herring, eggs and Easter candy.
PS try out unibakes new caradamom bun with sour-dough, they are great for your soul but not for you beach body.
For me (Robert), our new rotation meant leaving the US and coming back to Sweden. Even though living and working in the US was an amazing experience, it always feel good to be back in Sweden after some time abroad. Especially since you learn to appreciate basic things such as public transportation and proper coffee. I tried to teach the US team how to make proper coffee, but eventually I gave up after Mr Kolinski stating that when I made the coffee, the employees had to bring a plate with knife and fork instead of a cup due to the coffee being so thick and strong… : )
Now however, I’m working at the Group Supply Chain where I’m looking into a project integration after a recent acquisition. This week it took me to the bakery and office of Unibake Sweden in Örebro! Very exciting with plenty of new things to learn!
At the moment on the train home to the w(b)est coast for some easter holiday with my family. Time to charge the batteries! Happy easter!
/Peter & Robert