Hi everyone!
The first half of the first project has now gone by, and it’s my turn to say hi!
Last week Johan wrote about his project at Unibake, and now the honor of writing the blog has turned to me. I’ll tell you about my first period in the other part of the food division, Cerealia 🙂

Moa, Johanna and I
My mission is to study our warehouse in Järna, where Cerealia is holding inventories for well-known brands such as AXA, Kungsörnen and GoGreen. The purpose of doing so is to evaluate if there is potential for an even more optimized way of managing the inventory.
I studied business and management control at Lund University, so supply chain management is pretty new to me, but it is a lot of fun. I am part of the planning team, which is located mainly in Malmö. I am located at the HQ in Stockholm, so it has been some traveling to Malmö and also to the warehouse in Järna. The first couple of weeks I interviewed several people to get a picture of the current situation, and to get an understanding of the scope of my project. Feeling a sense of the current situation, I dug into the data of the warehouse in Excel. In the beginning of the project, Excel and I were not such good friends, but as the time has gone by, we have started to become really good friends.
During these last weeks I have learned that supply chain management and inventory optimization are complex topics, and they need to be studied from several perspectives, for example the perspectives of several stakeholders. What I really like about the trainee program is that we have the chance to see several different perspectives that exist within a company. We experience different perspectives from working with various cultures, having several roles and working in cross-functional teams. That enables us to get a more holtistic view of the company.

Sebastian, Johanna, Mikkel and I are having a workshop discussing our projects to give each other new perspectives and feedback.
Last week we found out our next project – I am heading for Copenhagen and Unibake!
All the best!