
Let’s Gooh!

Hi blog! It’s me, Johanna, and I am checking in to tell you a bit about my ongoing project at Gooh!

So, I have moved back from Belgium to Stockholm and I am now working in Järna, where Gooh! is placed. In this project I am helping Gooh! to look at continuous improvements in production and how they are supposed to go about it. This means that I spend some time in production in order to see how they work and what could be improved. One example of what I have done so far is setting clear routines and standards for the daily stand-up meetings in order to make sure that we catch the most important things and act upon them –> Let’s Gooh! 😉

My project also involves study visits and meetings with people experienced with lean and continuous improvements. One highlight was to visit Scania and see their motor production. Scania have worked with lean for a long time and I can tell you, it really shows in their way of working!


Lunch with my colleagues at Gooh!

As Mikkel mentioned in his blog-post, the trainee program is soon coming to an end. The program has been really great and I have enjoyed trying different roles. Before I started at Lantmännen, I thought that I would know what I wanted to work with at the end of the program and, even though I am not certain what exact role I would strive for, I know a bit more about myself and what I enjoy and not.

It is with mixed feelings that I will leave the trainee-life behind, however, it will be nice to start at a permanent position at Lantmännen and to be able to know what life will look like for a bit longer time ahead.

That was all for now!

Until next time!
