Hello and welcome to my last blog post as a trainee! My last rotation is at KRAFFT horse feeds in Malmö – the rotation I knew I wanted ever since I got the job as a trainee. And it is perfect.
(From @TeamKrafft’s Instagram)
Firstly, it’s all about horses. At KRAFFT we live and breathe wellness for horses. The customer support KRAFFT Direkt provides free feeding advice and are, just like all our sales people, passionate horse owners. While there are a lot of very engaged colleagues around the group, I’ve never met people that live their brand the way KRAFFT does, which is really fun to be around.
(From @TeamKrafft’s Instagram. Charlotte and Rasmus are two of our fantastic profile riders.)
Secondly, for the first time I am part of a team! Not that anyone else is working on my projects, but I continuously discuss findings with both the feed advisors and with the marketing director. Along with my projects, I am also involved in marketing communications, developing marketing materials, coming up with ideas for fairs and meeting with marketing agencies together with the others in the marketing team. And OH YES there are some exciting things coming up here in the future!
(Two cuties I met on a field trip..)
Thirdly, my projects are AWESOME. They focus on export strategy and market research, which started out with a mapping but has evolved organically from there “Oh, maybe I should check that, too? Should we look more into this? I would like to do that…” This curiosity has lead me to the oddest places – reading research on horse feed (in German!), talking to researchers in different countries and visiting production and successful stables in several countries. While definitely coming from the market/strategy/analyst side, I’m now pretty comfortable discussing product development and scientific research on horse feeds.
(Left: my new favorite book, “Empfehlungen zur Energie- und Nährstoffversorgung von Pferden”, very thorough…Right: Handing out the price at the quialifying race for the Swedish trotting derby)
With KRAFFT I’ve been to the fair at Falsterbo Horse Show, visiting stables and retailers with our sales reps, interviewed customers “following the customer journey”, visited riding competitions and trotting races and so much more.
While this is my second last day as a trainee, it isn’t actually my last day at KRAFFT. Neither will I start my new job here. Simply, as the old Facebook relationship status reads “it’s complicated”! In brief, I’m waiting for a contract to work abroad, but as that takes a while I’ll continue my projects at KRAFFT in the meantime. But first there is the final formal trainee gathering in Stockholm. You have no idea how stoked I am to see the others again!
Instagram: @teamkrafft
All the best!