Hi blog-followers!
Greetings from Unibake international (UBI) and Copenhagen. Since I joined the LogEx-team within the supply chain division, I have gotten the opportunity to dive into excel sheets, transportation tools and learn about supply chain processes. With a background within marketing, it has been educating to learn the way of thinking of logistics and transportation, which I perceive to be quite different. UBI is a support function to the business units scattered around 15 countries, thus lot of colleagues from the local business units have visited us here and vice versa. Below is two pictures from my travels within the project:
Checking out the production line at the bakery in Budapest, Hungary
Earlier this spring, everyone within supply chain and commercial controlling met in Berlin to share experiences, obstacles and success stories, also known as the “spaghetti model”. Here is my team on a treasure hunt in Mitte!
With less than a month to go, I will truly miss the international environment, the supply chain crew, and Copenhagen!