As you might remember, this third trainee placement I am working on a project for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping. Time flies when you are having fun, in only one month this placement will be over and I and the other trainees will enjoy our summer vacation. But before that, there are a lot of things coming up!
This week I and a group of female colleagues from Agroetanol ran the 5 km lap “Vårruset” in Norrköping. We all wore matching Agroetanol shirts for the occasion, and after the completed lap we were supposed to have a nice picnic in the sun. However, as I passed the finish line, rain drops started to fall and within a minute the sunny picnic turned into a monsoon area. We had some fruit salad and sparkling wine in the car but decided to make it an early night. Still, we had a lot of fun!
Last Monday I was given the opportunity to participate in a diversity workshop with participants from different parts of Lantmännen. Within the Swedish part of Lantmännen, I think we could be much better at diversity. Most of us come from the same country (Sweden) and culture, and among senior management a large majority are male. In the workshop, we talked about what diversity is, how it promotes innovation, creativity and complex problem solving, and finally how we would like to improve diversity at Lantmännen. The workshop was the start-up of a company wide diversity initiative, and I am excited to see how this will be going forward.
Another exciting moment was a couple of weeks back when I got the chance to visit Aspen in Hindås! Aspen is part of the energy division within Lantmännen, producing environmentally friendly alkylate petrol. Apart from doing interviews for my project, I got a tour of their production facilities where they fill the petrol cans. I was really impressed by this facility, and here is a picture of a part of it:
(In the trainee group, some of us for a moment thought Aspen referred to “Aspen, Colorado” rather than “Aspen, a lake outside Gothenburg”, a minor misconception that has caused a bunch of good laughs…)
Lastly, a while ago the supervisor for my previous project at Lantmännen Unibake, Phil, came to Stockholm together with a team of photographers and media agency people. They went to Stockholm’s hipster mecca Hornstull to shoot a video at the restaurant “Taylors and Jones with a Twist” featuring gourmet hot dogs, the latest trend within fast food. I tagged along and got to pose as hot dog eater, chat with the owner of the place and of course taste some of the delicious gourmet hot dogs!
Until next time!