Hello everybody! Time passes as you know at a tremendous speed, for me especially when I have so much fun at work. Since my last blog post, I have been out on the road. I have for example visited an Agricultural Fair in Jönköping! I thought I´d tell you more about that and some about the work at the Owner relations department in this post.
Last week, I was in Jönköping at the Elmia area and visited an exhibition Lantmännen attended. The fair was called Elmia Agriculture, Livestock and Technology (Elmia Lantbruk Djur & Inomgård) and took place on 21-24 October. If you want to read more you can do so here: http://www.elmia.se/lantbrukinomgard/ .
For me this was a great opportunity for petting cows, meeting with farmers, ask a lot of questions to different people and so on. Some of the people who had to endure my questions were the persons guarding the prized animals in place (and therefore had a lot of time to pass). They taught me many interesting things about both dairy cows as well as feed. As you understand, I took the opportunity to learn as much as I could about the agricultural industry!
Another part of the fair which I was not expecting was an exhibition arena where farmers showed off their best animals, you can see the arena below. It was very interesting to see how the relatively small herders handled these large animals.
During this four-day fair, there were several persons in my department, together with sellers and elected officials, who manned our booth. The department therefore took the opportunity to have one of the monthly department meetings in Jönköping when so many of us already were there. Here you can see the entire department gathered at a dinner in connection with a full day of meetings and interesting discussions:
From the left: Katja Ihrsén, Sven Hellberg, Cathrine Hanell, Hans Johansson, Anna Carlström, Lage Westman and Helena Holmkrantz.
For you to get an idea of how geographically dispersed the members of Lantmännen are, here is an overview of my colleagues and the geographic areas they are responsible for:
Anna Carlström – Head of the department Owner relations
Hans Johansson – Västra Sverige
Lage Westman- Norra Sverige
Cathrine Hanell – Östergötland, Småland, Sörmland
Katja Ihrsén – Mellansverige, Gotland
Sven Hellberg – Skåne, Blekinge, Halland
Last but not least we have Helena Holmkrantz who are director for the ownership magazine Grodden.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just want to talk about cows!
Wish you all the best,
Pauline Lidberg