The expression times flies when you have fun is the best way to express my first week with the SME department. I have now started my fourth and last trainee assignment and actually at the same time my new employment at Lantmännen. I can now titules myself “SME analyst within procurement”. I guess you wonder what SME stands for?!
Well it is a shortening for “Supply Management Excellence” and it is a new department that has kicked off this week. We are in total a group of 10 people that will have the task to coach and support the transformation of procurement operations within Lantmännen. The transformation is about increasing the efficiency and streamline our supply and procurement operations. Our goal within the SME-program will be to be the best in our industry and within three years at least double the efficiency of the supply and procurement operations.
This last week has been an introduction week for all of us in the SME-program and many important subjects has been discussed and dealt with. We also got the opportunity to get to know each other a bit better when we went 2 hours north of Stockholm to a very nice cabin village where we got to, among other things, explore our knowledge in paddling canoes.
Best Regards
Louise Dahlberg