During my first month I have learned more about bulk- and truck types than I ever imagined possible! For instance little did I know that Lantmännen’s grain collection silos already this year received more than 1 400 000 tons of grains. If transported by trucks this amounts to more than 38 000 thousand trucks!
Yes you guessed right – My project is about logistics! I have now worked my first month in Lantmännen. More specifically I work in Malmö where Lantmännen’s head office for the agricultural division (Lantmännen Lantbruk) is located. My project is about logistics and evaluating a new pricing model Lantmännen introduced in the beginning of the year.
Lantmännen Agriculture is in some sense the pumping heart of the Lantmännen family. As Lantmännen is owned by Swedish farmers both our customers and suppliers are in many situations the farmers who own Lantmännen. We buy grains from the owners at harvest and sell seeds, feed and plant protection at specific times throughout the year. During my time here in Malmö I had the chance to experience many different parts of the core business. In the beginning of the period I went to Staffanstorp in Skånes heartland and got the chance to join two of Lantmännen’s best salesmen on a day on the job. Here I experienced just how important the personal relationship between Lantmännen’s salespeople and the farmers is for the overall business.
On top of a silo in Skåne!
When writing this blog I am on my way back from visiting one of Lantmännen’s large feed factories in Åhus. Since my project at first hand focuses on feeds it was interesting to see how transportation in and out of the factory is dealt with on ground.
Åhus Feed Factory
Two weeks ago I also got the chance to visit SW Seeds who develop new and better grain types especially targeted Sweden and the Nordic countries. The office is not only equipped with advanced machines to determine the micronutrient structure of the new seeds, but also a baking lab to test the crust and quality of new sorts for Unibake and Cerealia’s bakeries. That is really thinking from field to fork!